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What is Essential Eight?

The Essential Eight framework developed by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) helps organisations comply with the Australian Cyber Security Strategy. This framework consists of eight cyber security measures that organisations can implement to protect themselves against the latest threats. The Essential Eight is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness in protecting organisations from a variety of cyber threats.

The Essential Eight is a set of cyber security controls that organisations can implement to improve their defences against cyber threats. The eight controls are:

  • Application hardening
  • Configuring systems to reduce cyber attack surface area
  • Controlling administrative privileges
  • Data encryption
  • Implementing application allowlisting
  • Managing patch management processes
  • Restricting user access to systems and data
  • Training employees in cyber security awareness.

Organisations implementing the essential eight controls can expect to improve their defences against cyber threats significantly. A managed service provider such as Empire Technologies can help you to implement these controls and improve your organisation’s cyber security posture.

What is the Essential Eight Maturity Model?

The Essential Eight maturity model, also known as maturity level, assesses how well an organisation has implemented the essential eight controls. The maturity level can also guide organisations in improving their management of the essential eight controls. The maturity model consists of four levels:

Level 1: Baseline – The organisation has implemented the essential eight controls but does not have a formalised process for managing them.

Level 2: Repeatable – The organisation has a formalised process for managing the essential eight controls.

Level 3: Defined – The organisation has a well-defined process for managing the essential eight controls.

Level 4: Managed – The organisation has a mature and well-managed process for managing the essential eight controls.

Organisations should aim to reach level 4 maturity to effectively manage the essential eight controls. Maturity level 1 is the minimum acceptable maturity level. Maturity level 4 is the highest and represents an organisation that effectively manages the essential eight controls. Maturity levels 2 and 3 represent intermediate maturity levels.

What are the benefits of Essential Eight?

There are many benefits to implementing essential eight for SMBs. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is increased security. By having essential 8 in place, businesses can be sure that their data and systems are well-protected from external threats. In addition, essential eight can help businesses improve their overall efficiency and productivity. By streamlining processes and improving communication, businesses can see a significant boost in performance.

Another key benefit of essential eight is that it can help businesses to save money. By implementing essential eight, businesses can avoid the costly damages caused by data breaches or other security incidents. In addition, essential eight can also help businesses reduce their reliance on paper records and manual processes, saving money in the long run.

Overall, essential eight can be a valuable addition to any SMB. By increasing security, improving efficiency, and saving money, essential eight can help businesses to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.

Can a Managed Service Provider help me establish the Essential Eight?

If you’re a small business owner, you may wonder if you need a Managed Service Provider (MSP) to help you implement Essential Eight. The answer is that it depends on your situation.

There are many benefits to working with an MSP, including having someone knowledgeable about the latest security threats and how to protect against them. MSPs can also help you implement security best practices, such as patch management and proper configuration of security settings.

However, working with an MSP is not the only way to implement Essential Eight. You can also do it yourself, though it may be more challenging. If you decide to go this route, do your research and ensure you are taking all the necessary steps to protect your business.

At the end of the day, the decision of whether or not to work with an MSP is up to you. If you feel comfortable doing it yourself, then go for it. But if you want the peace of mind that comes with knowing your business is in good hands, then working with an MSP is likely the better option.


Small businesses can benefit from implementing essential eight in several ways. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is increased security. By having Essential 8 in place, businesses can be sure that their data and systems are well-protected from external threats. In addition, essential eight can help businesses improve their overall efficiency and productivity.

Another key benefit of essential eight is that it can help businesses to save money. By implementing essential eight, companies can avoid the costly damages that data breaches or other security incidents can cause. In addition, Essential Eight can also help business reduce their reliance on paper records and manual processes, saving money in the long run. If you’re looking to give your SMB a boost, Essential Eight is definitely worth considering. Essential Eight can help businesses compete and succeed in today’s competitive marketplace by improving security, efficiency, and saving money.

Small businesses can implement Essential Eight themselves or through a Managed Service Provider (MSP). There are benefits to both approaches. If you decide to work with an MSP, you will have access to their knowledge and expertise in security best practices. However, if you feel comfortable doing it yourself, you can save money by implementing Essential Eight on your own.

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